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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Famous American Cannibals

With the recent arrest of a New York police officer on suspicion of concocting a plot to kidnap and cook innocent women that he allegedly identified and cataloged on his computer, one has to wonder how common an occurrence that is.

 This is obviously a shocking and serious charge to be drawn against one sworn to protect New York Cities Citizens. But history shows that cannibalism is an old reoccurring problem in society.

Albert Fish is a famous New York Cannibal of macabre fame, because of his habit of killing and eating unsuspecting children on the Big Apple’s city streets in the late 1920 s.

There have been several times throughout North American history in which cannibalism has reared its hungry head up out of hiding. From rumors of early Native American cannibalism, to famous dark tales of gruesome survival on desolate snowy mountain tops, like the story of the Donner Party.

One thing for sure is that the latest incident of planned cannibalism in New York will have all our eyes open for the potential hidden cannibals' amongst us,  whether he or she is in uniform or not.

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