Please help keep the truth alive - or all we have are lies!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Little Man With a Gun in His Hand

HTTP://SOCIALHYSTERIAAMERICA.COM – Help Spread Social Hysteria by Buying a Social Hysteria America Tee-Shirt at
Gun Control
For every 1 justifiable firearm homicide to protect one’s life there are 34 criminal homicides, 78 gun suicides, and 2 accidental deaths. Statistics quoted are from FBI homicide records.  
I don't care about people having guns - that's just fine - I just think we need to do it more responsibly than we are now. The second amendment even says " a regulated Militia" - the part that the NRA followers always leave out.
The American Ratio of Gun to Penis
Guns in America are a psychological extension of the male penis - often used to emotionally comfort those with deep-seeded insecurities about the adequateness of said penis. – BTA.
The NRA Argument: People kill not guns - So then help us keep the guns out of the hands of killers - does that sound reasonable?
And for the millionth time - No One Wants To Ban All Guns - Just Tighter control, less loop holes, and no military weapons - Shotguns, deer rifles, and registered hand guns are all cool when purchased legally - But gun nuts just keep shouting Total Ban so people with guns won't act and think rationally about the issue - It's called propagandist conspiracy theories to instill fear by falsehoods and innuendos..
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” — was born out of concern that a “national standing army might pose a threat to the security” of individual states and is “a relic of the 18th century.” – Notice the beginning words “A Well-Regulated Militia” – Not a Band of Conspiracy Nuts with Assault Rifles selling any Weapon to Anyone they Want!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The American Ratio Of Gun To Penis

The American Ratio of Gun to Penis

Guns in America are a psychological extension of the male penis - often used to emotionally comfort those with deep-seeded insecurities about the adequateness of said penis. – BTA. 

Monday, March 19, 2018


by Brian Thomas Armstrong

The ThunderStrike of Privileged Youth
Avalon has come again for them
The immortal romance of spring that’s often blissfully devoid of truth
Thunderstruck, the young untamed wolf-pack nation attacks the defenseless watery earth.
Sin turns towards its own creation as life’s excessiveness is unearthed and celebrated
No intellectual ideas to teach or take that can possibly reach the crowded dirty beach
Only rich kids Thunderstruck on Spring Break           


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Trump the Chronic Liar!

Trump the Chronic Liar!
     > President describes phone conversation with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto that never happened.
     > Trump talked about a phone call he’d received from the head of the Boy Scouts which never happened.
     > Trump offered details of a phone call with the head of a large nation, with over 300 million people, who complained about the foreign country’s 9% GDP growth rate - There is no such country.
     > Recently Trump stated that North Korean officials called U.S. officials to discuss diplomatic engagement saying they would like to talk – That never occurred either.

How can we expect World leaders to respect us as a country when our President is a lying Delusional Idiot?