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Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Young Girl Looks upon the Sea

A Young Girl Looks upon the Sea
By Brian Thomas Armstrong

A child looked out upon the dawn and wondered of her father
The mother held her tears and watched the girl stare out the window
A mast, a ship, a darkened haze floating in the horizon
But none was seen among the waves, and the child feared her father taken by Poseidon

All day she stood there gazing out and not a word she said, unspoken worries her mother shared
for she also feared her husband dead
All night again the child stayed gazing at the darkened sea, but in the new dawn still she waited
and still no relief for them had come to be

Some say the sad girl waits there still, and on darkened lonely nights
If you go to her old cabin you can see her in the window staring out upon the stormy waves
when you turn out the candle lights

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