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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Take a Deep Breath Before Voting.

I must say that I have not seen such a drastically opinionated election like this one where people actually believe on both sides of the parties, that one side or the other is truly going to make or break America in four short years.

Now our nation has endured the terrible and tragic events of 9/11, along with the surprise attack by the Japanese in World War Two, and we survived without so much modern social apprehension of our countries abilities to persevere over our own self-inflicted second guessing of our governmental bodies.
With only jobs and the economy as the main focus of the Presidential Election of 2012, we should count ourselves lucky that with all our seemingly impossible problems of the last decade; they still pale in comparison with what we as a nation have overcome.

My advice to the voters this November on both sides of the political spectrum is to do some old fashioned accounting of our ongoing American blessings, compared with other countries’ political turmoil this year, and calm down enough to make rational choices based on fact; not fear mixed with political propaganda.

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