Please help keep the truth alive - or all we have are lies!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our human capitalistic value on earth

Our human capitalistic value on earth is only calculated by our governments in terms of the made up man made numbers they can theoretically bring back to their coffers, in order for them to use for themselves to better their lives while burdening ours. (BTA)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Bought and Paid For U.S.D.A: But Not by the American Taxpayer

A Washington State alfalfa farmer got a nasty surprise when he took his product to a broker for sale; he found out that he’d been somehow GMO’ed on the crop he planted.

The standard test findings by the brokers found traces of “Round Up” resistant genetics in the crop, this was a major blow to the farmer, especially since he was counting on selling the product to a mostly anti-GMO overseas market.

This newest genetically altered organism scandal would have been alarming enough to both the farming community, as well as the consumer, given that the tests proved this incident was not a case of cross-pollination by another farmers  GMO tainted crop, but unbeknownst by the farmer,  was planted from illegal seeds he was sold in 2010 while the crop was banned.

To add insult to injury to the farmer, along with American society, the U.S.D.A neither cared, nor bothered to investigate how something like this could have happened; even though the offending seeds were illegal at the time they were sold to the unsuspecting farmer.

The fact that the United States Department of Agriculture could turn a blind eye to this revelation like a paid off cop during prohibition, also points out how most of us do not have a clue what’s GMO tainted whether it is in our store shelves, or on our American farming fields. Washington D.C has obviously already been bought by the Monsanto Corporation to begin with, just like all the other major corporations have done so in the past with impunity.

Why should the U.S.D.A do anything about GMO’s being silently and illegally filtered in with the rest of the nation’s crop stores so that eventually, everyone will just have to give up their protests and conform because it is already too late to do anything about it.

Everything including our environment and our government is tainted regardless, so why even bother trying to stop it – This seems to be the rationality the Federal government would  like us  in America and the rest of the world to believe in; then we would all realize that resisting the corrupt establishment is futile at best.

I myself would rather still believe in a world without corrupt, self-centered politicians, and that the governments they run should be quickly and efficiently purged of them.  Instead of wasting our time listening to more paid off bullshit from both major political parties, we should all vow to run the crooked bastards out with a simple cast of the vote in 2016 and beyond. That is the true American dream of “change” for our nation, and hopefully will be every election year from now on!



Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Man Who Couldn’t Catch Aids Killed Himself

In the early dawn of the 1980 s, a gay man named Stephen Crohn started to wonder why he himself had not contracted a terrible disease after his boyfriend’s, and several other close friend's deaths from a new virus that was plaguing the gay community.

After receiving many more perplexing negative test results for the deadly virus over the coming years, Crohn decided to track down a researcher in the field to test his blood, and in 1996 after 14 years of wondering why he was so graced and not others, scientists discovered that Stephen Crohn was indeed gifted in this world with a genetic mutation that made his blood cells impervious to the Aids virus.

When learning of his bitter sweet gift, Crohn immediately and enthusiastically volunteered in several studies involving the genetic mutation that was hidden in his blood to help pave the way for new drugs to combat and slow down the progression of the disease.

Remarkably and coincidentally, the man who is noted to have discovered Crohn’s disease, Burrill Crohn, was Stephen Crohn’s great uncle. Stephen Crohn was an idealist painter, sculptor and artist along with working as an editor for Fodor’s travel guides. He went on to become a social worker and ran support groups for Aids patients and other terminally ill patients at the same Mount Sinai in New York that his famous great uncle Burrill Crohn was established at so many decades before.

Unfortunately his important work with the ill might have been too much of an overwhelming reminder of the constant grief and devastating personal toll from the Aids virus that took over 70 of his friends and companions over the years.

On August 24 of 2013, Stephen Crohn committed suicide at the age of 66 in New York City. Crohn in the end gave back to god the gift he was given; that gift must have seemed to Crohn as more of a curse than a blessing over the long painful years.

A clue into the obvious survival guilt and unbearable grief that seemed to stem from Crohn’s incredible personal loss, due to the disease that he himself was impervious to, was a 1999 Nova documentary on PBS in which Crohn stated:

 "What's hard is living with the continuous grief,” an unbearable grief that was able to do what even Aids was powerless to do – kill the man who could not catch Aids.